Sunday, December 17, 2006

Greeting from Paris!


So I've been in Paris for 5 or 6 days now and it has been wonderful so far. It's been a very 'cultured' trip. I've been museum and old church hoping for most of the time here. It seems like in today's day and age, people get so wrapped up in the technology around them that they forget to take the time to admire the classics. I know I sure do. On Friday I took the train out to Fontainebleau to see the giant chateau there. It's sort of like Versailles, but with out all the crowds. It was sooo cool being is those gigantic rooms all by myself without tons of 'bus weenies'. That's why I love traveling on the off season.

Last night was proof that I am indeed my father's daughter. I went to a free organ concert at one of the old churches. But before I go into that, let's jump back about 10 years. At one of my first professional piano concerts with my dad, he asked me, 'Where is the best place to sit.' I responded by saying over where the grand piano opens up because the sound is the best over there. He replied by saying, 'You're absolutely wrong. You want to sit where you can see the pianists fingers.' Now one would think that at an organ concert one doesn't have any choice because you can't even see the man during the performance. So last night, they set up a camera that showed his hands and feet live on a projector screen in the santuary. I thought that was pretty cool. Nonetheless, the musician was amazing! He played a series by Bach that lasted about an hour.

Summary of highlights:

Notre Dame
Musee d'Orsay
Musee Picasso
Musee Rodin
St. Louis en l'Ile Church
Madeline Church
Dome Church
Hotel de le Invalides
Chateau at Fontainebleau
Parisan Museum

Much much more....

Times ticking so unfortunatly I don't have time to reread what I've written. Hopefully it's atleast comprehendable.

Take Care!!

1 comment:

Rainy said...

I love the Musee Rodin. I think I have gone every time I have been in Paris. It's so small and wonderful. What a great time you seem to be having!
