Friday, October 13, 2006

Daily Life

Hey All!!

So the past two weeks have been very normal (at least I think they're normal). I've stayed here in Trondheim busily working on school projects and hanging out with friends. Midterms are right now, but I have only one actual test. The 'midterm' for my statistics class was voluntary. I don't think I can actually call it a 'midterm.' It was more like: show up and we'll give you some questions to work on; you can do them if you want, or just take the sheet and leave kind of test. Nonetheless, I forced myself to go just to see how much of the material I really knew. I have a midterm in Separations next Wednesday, and this one counts for 20% of my final grade (that's about how much the finals are worth at CU).

Today I'm leaving on a trip with some friends. We've rented a koia (small cabin) just outside the city. 6 or 7 of us are heading up today (Friday), and the remaining 5 or 6 will join us tomorrow. Even though I have to study for my exam there, I'm still looking forward to getting out of the city. The weather has been getting wetter and wetter every week, so I suspect that there will some rain this weekend. Then maybe I'll be more motivated to get some studying done.

Differences I've Noticed Here: (despite that everything is expensive)

Grocery Stores: They're smaller. Not allowed (by law) to be open on Sundays if they're bigger than a kiosk. You have to pay extra for plastic bags at the checkout. You always bag your own groceries. Don't sell beer past 8pm on weekdays.

Alcohol: Expensive. Hard liquor can only be bought from special stores (Vinnmonopolet). There's only a couple of places in Trondheim. At the grocery store, it is perfectly acceptable to rip open a 6 pack and only take as many as you'd like (ie you don't have to buy all 6 if you don't want).

Buses: There are signs that say: "Don't eat ice cream, hot dogs, or chips." So is pizza ok? Still a mystery to me.

Norwegian etiquette: Bring your own. If someone invites you to a party, they provide fridge space, but you provide your own drinks.

Term: vorspeil. In the US, we say 'pregame'. It's when friends get together to share some drinks before going out on the town. Vorspeil is actually a German word that means foreplay.

Smoking: Not allowed inside any public buildings. Not in restaurants, cafes, bars, etc. Good for asthmatics like myself.

Sunrise: 7:56am
Sunset: 6:12pm

More to come when I get back. Hope you have a very 'lucky' Friday the 13th. Take Care!!


P.S. Rusty: your "bad-ass personal e-mail" is coming after I finish my midterm.

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