Saturday, August 19, 2006

The Countdown to School Begins

Hey All-

Well, I've officially got a day and a half of summer left. My summer language course ended yesterday, and I just took the final test this morning. I always told myself that I'd NEVER go to summer school, but I guess had to bend the rule a little bit. The test I had to take will determine what level language course I'll be able to take. If I pass it (grade E or better) then I'll be able to take the level 3 course.

Like always, last week was packed full of adventure and very exhausting. Friday night was spent in town with friends, and then we had to wake up early to go to Klaebu with the language program. We were hoping to be able to lay out by the water and take it easy, but that definitely did not happen. The place they took us to was like a camp for adults. There was a high ropes course, canoeing and some crazy games.

Later that evening we had a going away party for one of the guys in my language group. He is studying at the University of Bergen, so he had to leave early to attend orientation. Bergen is the second largest city in Norway (Trondheim is 3rd). So naturally there is a lot of competition between the two cities (especially in soccer).

On Sunday I went on a hike with a bunch of friends. Considering this is Norway, no hike is complete without a swim in a lake and some berry eating. The berry of the week: raspberries.

This past week has been orientation week for NTNU, so all the students are coming back. Since I was in that language course, I couldn't take part in most of the orientation activities, but that's ok. There's a place here called the Studentsamfunet, which is a big red round community house for the university. There's places to hang out, concerts, and parties. On Tuesday night there was a huge party for all the students in town. I honestly can't say I've ever been to a party with 2000 other people. It's quite the experience.

Enjoy the final days of summer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Julie

Welcome to Norway and Trondheim. You will enjoy this year allot. Hopefully you will meet some of your Norwegian relatives too!

Best regards,
(I have sent you a separate e-mail)